Deepbridge aims to provide Deepbridge Syndicate investors with the reassurance of their ongoing engagement and investment in rigorously selected investment opportunities.
Deepbridge’s sector experience enables investors to better identify life sciences growth opportunities, which have been appropriately valued and will be actively managed by the Deepbridge life sciences team, headed by Dr Savvas Neophytou.
Investment in life sciences is becoming more important due to ageing populations, the prevalence of mental health concerns and the increasing pressure on national and international healthcare services.
Ian Warwick, managing partner at Deepbridge Capital, commented: “The UK is at the global forefront of life sciences innovation, on a par with premier life science destinations such as Boston, San Francisco, San Diego and Singapore. The UK sector consists of over 5,700 companies employing over 231,000 with an annual turnover of around £61.8bn. The rising wealth in emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil continues to open up new opportunities for medical and biopharmaceutical companies.
“Deepbridge Syndicate aims to open up this market potential to the individual investor. Traditionally, investing in Life Sciences hasn’t been easy to access for many investors as the technologies, valuations and exits opportunities are often difficult calculate, but with the due diligence and proactive management from Deepbridge Capital and online access to key documents and updates via the Syndicate, investors are constantly in touch with the progress of their investment. A majority of the portfolio companies also benefit from the UK Government’s Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), which provides considerable tax relief to those investing in these higher risk companies.”